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Service Coordinators work in conjunction with property management companies that provide housing for seniors and disabled individuals. The goal of service coordination is to help residents maintain stable housing and to remain living independently in the community. Service Coordinators provide education and support resources for tenants to help identify issues that could jeopardize their leases or might otherwise impact their housing in a negative way.

Service Coordination provides assistance with:

  • Arranging services such as home health care, housekeeping, meals, grocery delivery, transportation and more.
  • Referrals to agencies that provide financial, medical or energy assistance.
  • Answering questions or helping to make phone calls about bills, statements or other mail.
  • Completing paperwork for medical benefits, energy assistance, county forms, etc.
  • Transitions from a hospital or a nursing home back to your home by working with the hospital or nursing home social worker or assisting with setting up services in your home.
  • Arranging educational presentations for all of the residents on a variety of topics.
  • Referrals for mental or substance use disorder services.
  • Supportive counseling.

Who is Eligible?

To inquire about Service Coordination
Please call (651) 251-5046.

For more information:

Call (651) 251-5046

Meet The Team

Headshots 2 – 2021 (55)

Jane McCarthy

Service Coordinator

Every day is a new day to be of service to those who need it.

Clinic Locations

  • Stillwater Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

Specialty Areas

  • Service Coordination
  • Ages Served: All
  • Housing, Medical Needs, Food Share Programs, HUD Housing

Professional Experience

I have been working with the aging population in some capacity for more than 40 years and wouldn’t trade it for anything else.


  • Gerontology -Portland Community College

Referral Information

For more information about our Service Coordination Program, contact (651) 251-5046.

We're here to help.

You are welcome at Canvas Health. We're looking forward to serving you.

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handshake - mental health help, Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota