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Board of Directors New Member Feature: Adam Wahlberg

April 28, 2022

Adam Wahlberg is one of Canvas Health’s new Board of Directors members who began his term in 2022.

About Adam

Wahlberg has a BA in Mass Communications from St. Cloud University and a Masters in Public Affairs from the U of M. An entrepreneur, he lives in Minneapolis and is the founder of Think Piece Publishing which is dedicated to mental health books where he published Julie Barton’s memoir, Dog Medicine, which became a New York Times bestseller.

Adam Wahlberg

He has served in editor positions for Twin Cities Business Magazine, Super Lawyers and Minnesota Law and Politics, and currently is the copy chief at Fast Horse marketing agency. He has a wide skill set in communications on mental health, messaging, running events and raising awareness.

“I’ve long admired Canvas Health for everything it does in the community. It shows up for people, which has never been more important. I’m delighted to lend my talents to Canvas Health. You are on the side of the angels,” said Wahlberg.

Learn more about Canvas Health’s Board of Directors.

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