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Hilke - Canvas Health CFO, Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota

Canvas Health Announces New Chief Financial Officer

January 2, 2019

Canvas Health recently hired Hilke Riechardt-Martinez as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Responsibilities as CFO

As Canvas Health’s CFO, Hilke is responsible for all accounting services, financial services, human resources, information technology, property management, procurement, billing and receivables for the parent company as well as all subsidiary companies.

“Hilke brings an understanding and wealth of experience in for-profit and non-profit finances to Canvas Health, as we look to secure our future and deliver on our mission,” said Matt Eastwood, Canvas Health CEO.  “Her strong financial leadership will help us continue offering hope, healing, and recovery to the people we serve.”

Hilke’s Leadership Experience

Hilke has 20 years of leadership experience in the fields of accounting, finance, information technology, and senior management working for Fortune 500 companies as well as five years of experience as CFO of two nonprofit mental health organizations in the Twin Cities.

Hilke completed her undergraduate degree in Accounting at the University of Texas at Austin and her MBA in Finance at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. In addition, Hilke holds an active CPA license and is certified as a CMA.

Hilke Riechardt-Martinez - Canvas Health CFO

Celebrating 50 years of bringing hope, healing, and recovery to the lives of people we serve, Canvas Health offers over 35 clinic- and community-based programs. Our highly skilled, compassionate clinicians provide services to people struggling with mental illness, substance abuse, crisis, unstable housing, and trauma. As a nonprofit community-based agency, Canvas Health acts as a safety net provider, serving those with complex needs who may not otherwise be able to afford care. For more information, visit

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