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Carver County Crisis Call, Outpatient treatment, Psychological Evaluation, Outpatient Therapy, Substance Use Therapy

Canvas Health Announces Partnership with Carver County’s Mobile Mental Health Crisis Services Program

January 14, 2025

Canvas Health is proud to announce a new partnership with Carver County’s Mobile Mental Health Crisis Services program. This program, which is currently operated by Carver County staff, provides 24/7/365 support to those experiencing a crisis in Carver County through the crisis line at (952) 442-7601. This phone number will be used to contact the crisis team during and after the transition.

“We’re honored to be entrusted with the care of those experiencing mental health crises in Carver County,” said Dr. Khu Thao, Canvas Health CEO. “Canvas Health’s breadth of experience in providing high quality crisis services will help ensure a smooth transition to this new model for the county.”

Beginning July 1, 2025, Canvas Health will take on the responsibility of providing crisis services to Carver County including:

Canvas Health will establish a local presence and operate from the Carver County Government Center. Carver County Health & Human Services (HHS) will maintain the current model through the first half of 2025, using allocated funds to support the transition.

Through this partnership, Carver County will continue to offer sustainable, high-quality crisis support for residents. A phased implementation plan will ensure continuity of care during the transition.

Since 1969, Canvas Health has provided hope, healing, and recovery to the people we serve. Our integrated programs and services offer coordinated care to people of all ages in their homes, the community, and in our clinics. The agency currently provides mobile crisis services to those experiencing crisis in Anoka, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Pine, and Scott Counties. We strive for excellence in clinical care as we serve those living with mental illness, substance use disorders, crisis, unstable housing, and trauma. Canvas Health is a non-profit, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). For more information, visit

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