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Canvas Health CEO Reflects on Importance of our Vocational Program

June 23, 2023

The Partnering for Jobs Individual Placement and Support Services program is dedicated to bringing hope, healing, and recovery to individuals by assisting them with finding and keeping competitive employment.

Dr. Khu Thao, Canvas Health’s CEO, reflects on the importance of the Partnering for Jobs program to clients in our programs. “Canvas Health understands that for adolescents and adults alike, stable employment is an important part of an individual’s mental health. Working can offer an individual confidence, a sense of self-worth, and valuable social connections.”

The Partnering for Jobs Program’s specific services to individuals include: job placement, coaching, and support; vocational counseling; benefits counseling; job retention and follow-along supports; and integration of mental health care with Partnering for Jobs services.

“We’re so proud of Canvas Health’s collaboration with Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, and Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services on the Partnering for Jobs program. Together, we’re meeting individuals where they are currently functioning and supporting them through every step of their employment journeys,” said Thao.

Along with employment support, Partnering for Jobs offers supported education to those enrolled in the Young Adult Program (ages 14 – 26). This service is focused on the specific needs of the individual, but can include education exploration, study skill development/homework support, financial aid/application assistance, course enrollment and accommodation advocacy.

For questions regarding eligibility criteria or the referral process please ask your Canvas Health provider or Case Manager for a referral or contact: Sierra Dooley at (651) 338-7559.

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