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Canvas Health grieves the murder of George Floyd

June 3, 2020

Canvas Health’s staff is grieving the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Our city’s cries of pain, particularly from communities of color and Native peoples, have risen louder throughout this past week, demanding that we listen and examine how we can do better as an agency, as clinicians, and as humans.

i can't breathe
Photo credit: Scott Streble

As a community mental health agency, we are deeply committed to helping people attend to the wounds of anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma. We see in the wake of George Floyd’s death, as we have before, that grief and trauma are often inflicted through great social and racial inequities. That must change.

Canvas Health works to honor each individual’s life experience. But we must do better. We must do better as we work against systemic racism. We will act within our mission of hope, healing, and recovery – for every individual.

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