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Canvas Health Honors Black Leaders in the Mental Health Community

February 19, 2021

The celebration of Black History Month during February is an important—if too short—opportunity to explore and reflect upon the struggle and impact of Black people on the United States. In the context of the mental health community there are many Black leaders who have been profound leaders in advancing the field and how the field serves Black people.

black history month - black leaders in the mental health community

Black Leaders in the Mental Health Community

These few of the many Black leaders in mental health show are examples of Black mental health professionals who worked to defeat discrimination in society, but also within their own field.

The Impacts of Mental Illness

Mental illness is common, affecting one in four Americans. Though the impacts of mental illness on People of color and Black Americans in particular are often disproportionate, due to conscious and unconscious societal failings of bias and inequity. Black Americans are more likely to be disadvantaged socioeconomically due to cultural and systemic biases.

Black History Month is an important opportunity to acknowledge Black leaders and the challenges Black people face for receiving excellent mental health care. The professionals above are providers who challenged these cultural and systemic biases head-on, advocating to changes within our society and profession. They and countless others are examples of how ordinary people can affect change. Their efforts also serve as a reminder of the enormous barriers that have been erected between Black people and excellent mental health care. We should all do our part of tearing down those barriers together.

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