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looking towards 2021, Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota

Canvas Health looks toward 2021 with hope, commitment to clients

December 14, 2020

This year has been unlike any other – our mental and physical strength have been tested again and again by the pandemic, political and civil unrest, and the overall upending of our daily lives.

We are full of hope as we reflect on the resilience of our Canvas Health community. Our clinicians adapted in flexible and creative ways we never would have dreamed of just a year ago. Our clients continued the hard work of healing in a more uncertain world. And you, our supporters, have been a generous light when times were at their darkest.

As we begin to emerge from the pandemic over the coming months, we believe that the need for mental health and substance use care will continue to increase. We feel honored to be in a place to be able to provide this essential care – and we can’t do it without the help of our generous supporters.

Please consider a tax-deductible gift to Canvas Health today.

looking toward 2021

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