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Canvas Health North Branch Clinic: Now a Naloxone Access Point! Outpatient treatment, Psychological Evaluation, Outpatient Therapy, Substance Use Therapy

Canvas Health North Branch Clinic: Now a Naloxone Access Point!

November 15, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that our Canvas Health North Branch Clinic is now a Naloxone Access Point! This initiative, made possible through a partnership with the Steve Rummler HOPE Network, allows any community member to request a free-of-charge intramuscular (IM) naloxone or fentanyl test strip kit – no questions asked.

What is Naloxone?

Naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan, is a life-saving medication that can quickly restore the breathing of a person experiencing an opioid overdose. Opioid overdoses can be fatal if not treated promptly, and naloxone works by reversing the effects of opioids on the brain and respiratory system, effectively saving lives in critical moments.

The Importance of Fentanyl Test Strips

Fentanyl test strips (FTS) are small strips of paper that can detect the presence of fentanyl in various drugs and drug forms, including pills, powder, and injectables. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that is often mixed with other drugs, sometimes without the user’s knowledge, significantly increasing the risk of overdose. By using FTS, individuals can be informed about the presence of fentanyl in their substances and take steps to reduce their risk of overdose.

How to Access These Resources

At our North Branch Clinic, we are committed to supporting the health and safety of our community. Through our partnership with the Steve Rummler HOPE Network, we provide these essential resources to anyone in need. There are no prerequisites or questions asked – simply come to our clinic during business hours and request a kit.

Learn More

For more information about Naloxone Access Points, visit the Steve Rummler HOPE Network. To learn more about our North Branch Clinic and the services we offer, please visit our Canvas Health North Branch Clinic page.

Together, we can make a difference in the fight against opioid overdoses. Join us in spreading awareness and ensuring that life-saving resources are accessible to all.

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