If mood-altering chemicals are of concern, Canvas Health offers Substance Use Comprehensive Assessments (known as “Rule 25 Assessments” until 07/01/2022). These can be scheduled on a required (legally motivated) or voluntary basis.

What Is a Substance Use Comprehensive Assessment?
A Substance Use Comprehensive Assessment consists of an interview; a series of relatively standard questions conducted by a professional, Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor (LADC), and generally lasts about forty-five minutes to one hour. The individual will be asked to provide permission to the LADC to make “collateral” contacts – permission to reach out to someone who knows the individual well and can provide data helpful to the assessment process. All of this assists the professional in determining whether the individual has a diagnosable Substance Use Disorder.
Additionally, the individual’s responses and collateral data collected assists in determining whether there is a need for intervention through Substance Abuse Counseling or Treatment as well as in determining the appropriate level of care. Once all data is collected, recommendations are made for the individual and a report is sent to the appropriate and interested parties.
Substance Abuse Treatment Options
If there is a need for Substance Abuse Treatment, there are several levels of care for those with Substance Use Disorders:
- Residential Treatment – the individual resides at the treatment facility for a period of time, receiving intensive (30 hours per week) Substance Abuse Counseling.
- Medium-Intensity Treatment – the individual resides at the treatment facility for a period of time, receiving medium-intensity (15 hours per week) Substance Abuse Counseling.
- Outpatient Treatment (with lodging) – the individual attends groups on an outpatient basis while residing in a sober housing environment.
- Outpatient Treatment (without lodging) – the individual attends groups on an outpatient basis while residing in their home environment.
- Continuum of Care – the individual attends one-on-one counseling with a LADC, the frequency of which is based on severity of need.
Generally, there is a continuum of care that involves a “step-down” process for the individual in need of Substance Abuse treatment. This is determined in collaboration with the LADCs involved in the individual’s care.
If you or someone you know is in need of a Substance Use Comprehensive Assessment or Substance Use Treatment our friendly and non-judgmental providers are here to help. Book an appointment online or call us at (651) 777-5222.