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Allison Fredrickson - Canvas Health Board of Directors, Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota

Canvas Health Welcomes Allison Fredrickson as New Board of Directors Member

April 30, 2019

Canvas Health recently welcomed Allison Fredrickson as a new member of its Board of Directors.

As a member of the Board of Directors, Fredrickson will work to maintain awareness of the current challenges and opportunities facing the organization, and will provide support for the organization’s strategic plan and development initiatives.

Meet Allison Fredrickson

Fredrickson is an attorney in Eckberg Lammers, P.C.’s Family Law group and a Qualified Neutral with the State of Minnesota. With over thirteen years of experience as a practicing attorney in the family law field, she has dealt with highly emotional and personal legal issues facing families in times of change, including cases that require mediation and courtroom settings. She also handles municipal prosecution for several counties in the metro area, where she is able to use her knowledge of substance and mental health issues to provide just results.

Aside from her focus in Family Law, Fredrickson also has experience in Criminal Law. Prior to joining Eckberg Lammers, she was an attorney with Dudley & Smith, P.A. in St. Paul, MN.

Fredrickson is an active member of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, a non-profit organization that educates the public, lawyers, judges and law students in the areas of addiction and mental health. This knowledge and work in the community helps her deal with the issues facing many of her clients.

Committed to Her Community

Fredrickson is committed to community service and outreach, particularly in areas of juvenile and youth services. She is a mentor to youth in the Boy Scouts of America organization and is also actively involved in the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Mock Trial program.

“My affinity for Canvas Health’s mission arises from having witnessed first-hand the unmet need for affordable, accessible mental health services in Minnesota. We are fortunate here to have a wide, well-developed safety net for vulnerable citizens and it is our duty to maintain and enhance it for future generations,” said Fredrickson.

Allison Fredrickson - Canvas Health

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