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CEO Matt Eastwood Announces Retirement

December 29, 2021

Canvas Health’s Chief Executive Officer Matt Eastwood recently announced his plan for a March 2022 retirement from the agency.

matt eastwood - canvas health ceo

During his years as CEO, Matt led Canvas Health through several key transitions, including navigating through a pandemic that continues to affect virtually every part of the agency’s operation. He also guided staff through the implementation of a new Electronic Health Records system to help improve the agency’s overall efficiency and service to clients.

Matt currently is leading Canvas Health through the process of becoming a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, a sustainably financed model that will help ensure access to integrated, evidence-based addiction and mental health services for our clients.

Matt has served in the healthcare industry for over 42 years, including the past decade at Canvas Health. His plans for retirement include spending time with family, traveling, golfing, and fishing.

“On behalf of the staff and Board of Canvas Health, we extend our gratitude and thanks to Matt for his visionary leadership. The common theme of his accomplishments is his commitment to keeping Canvas Health’s mission of hope, healing, and recovery at the forefront of all of his decisions. Canvas Health is poised for a bright future because of his dedication,” said Eileen McMahon, Canvas Health Board Chair.

Those interested in learning more about the Chief Executive Officer position may contact Walter J. Flynn, W. J. Flynn and Associates, LLC, (651) 287-2370,

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