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2020 calendar, Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota

Canvas Health offers compassionate therapy and substance abuse treatment during COVID

October 20, 2020

Canvas Health’s clinicians are providing therapy to individuals of all ages to help with the effects of isolation, increased anxiety and depression, trauma, and other struggles associated with the COVID-19 lockdowns. Canvas Health’s substance abuse counselors are helping adolescents and adults overcome and manage alcoholism, addictions, drug use, and other substance use issues. Individuals can make appointments to see therapists and substance use counselors via telehealth.

2020 calendar - covid resources - substance abuse treatment

Mobile Crisis Response

In immediate mental health crises, Canvas Health’s mobile crisis response teams respond with assessment, intervention and stabilization services provided primarily via telehealth, and in-person if necessary.

Mobile crisis response staff will also provide necessary safety planning and short-term therapeutic services to assist in recovery from a crisis.

Mobile crisis response phone numbers for all Tribal Nations and Minnesota Counties.

Community Resources

Canvas Health encourages Twin Cities residents to reach out to these community resources for assistance with food insecurity, benefit supports, COVID talking strategies for kids, and stress and anxiety coping mechanisms.

For a downloadable list of these resources, click here.

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