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Concerned about alcohol use? Canvas Health can help

December 28, 2020

Are you concerned about your drinking or your loved one’s drinking and wonder if you have a drinking problem? You wonder if you can get it under control or whether you even want to. You’re worried about what people might think.

Many people like you have their questions answered and learn how to stop drinking with the help of the experienced, patient, and non-judgmental counselors at Canvas Health.

concerned about alcohol use - substance abuse assessments

Substance Abuse Assessments

For more than 50 years, Canvas Health has provided a wide range of substance abuse assessments to people in our Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota metro communities. Our goal is to help clients understand the possible presence and extent of their issue, and assist them in designing a plan to address their specific circumstance.

We specialize in substance abuse assessments, as well as alcohol treatment for all ages, in addition to other addiction treatments and drug treatments. We also are able to do court-ordered drug or alcohol assessments.

If you’d like to have your questions answered and your concerns about your alcohol use or drug use addressed, Canvas Health’s experienced, patient, and non-judgmental counselor are ready to help. Schedule a substance abuse assessment via our website by calling us at (651) 777-5222.

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