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Confidence-Building Leads to New Career

March 8, 2024

Mental health challenges can make it difficult for individuals to keep their jobs due to the cyclical nature of their illness or insufficient coping and work-related skills. Canvas Health provides vocational services to help these individuals seek and attain employment, and to develop skills to help them maintain employment.

Man sitting in chair smiling, Canvas Health helps build confidence

For individuals living with mental health challenges, a job can be a powerful component in their recovery. Here’s an example from one of our clients:

After not working for over 20 years, John* felt uncertain about how to go about applying for jobs.

Janessa, an Employment Specialist with Partnering for Jobs, started working working with John in early 2023. Through coaching, John gained valuable volunteering experience that helped him build back his confidence. After a few volunteering opportunities, John felt ready to dive into the job search.

With his renewed confidence, he quickly gained interviews and was able to advocate for his needs.

John recently started a job as a night auditor at a hotel. He is feeling self-assured in his job and so happy with all the progress he’s made!

Learn more about our Vocational Services for Adults and Youth to see how our specialists can help with:

Partnering for Jobs services are funded by Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services and are provided at no cost to participants. This program is offered in collaboration with Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.


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