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Your gift to Canvas Health saves lives!

Canvas Health’s local mental health, substance use, suicide prevention, crisis, and housing services support people of all ages, no matter what their means, on their journey to hope, healing, and recovery.

*If you are making a Memorial Gift, please complete the “Tribute” section of the form below, or send information about the Memorial with your check so that we may notify the family.

To mail a check, please send to: Canvas Health; Attn: Accounting Department; 7066 Stillwater Blvd. North; Oakdale, MN 55128.

If you have questions or would like to write a check, transfer stock, make an in-kind donation, or raise money on behalf of Canvas Health, please visit our Giving page or contact Sue Sperber, Senior Development Officer; (651)

Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Consult your tax advisor for details.
EIN: 41-0955577

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We're here to help.

You are welcome at Canvas Health. We're looking forward to serving you.

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handshake - mental health help, Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota