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Your gift to Canvas Health saves lives!

Thank you for being a friend to people in your community on the most difficult and rewarding journey of their lives.

Whether you give online via our donation page, write a check, transfer stock, or raise money on our behalf, you can rest assured that we will not assess an administration fee to your donation. Instead, your donation will go directly to helping Canvas Health provide hope, healing, and recovery to people who are struggling with mental health and substance use in your community. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Consult your tax advisor for details.
EIN: 41-0955577

Ways to Give

Mail donation checks

Mail donation checks:

Canvas Health
Attn: Accounting Department
7066 Stillwater Boulevard North
Oakdale, Minnesota 55128

Make a recurring gift

A monthly recurring gift is an easy way to show your consistent support for the people who Canvas Health serves. Just click “Make this a monthly gift” on our donation pageContact us if you have any questions. Thank you!

Make a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) gift

Giving from a DAF:

A donor-advised fund is a separately identified fund or account that is maintained and operated by a section 501(c)(3) organization, which is called a sponsoring organization. Each account is composed of contributions made by individual donors. For more information, click here to read our flier.

Workplace Giving

Raise awareness and funds for Canvas Health by hosting an employee giving campaign at your place of business. Involve your employees, clients, and programs in fun and creative ideas to support Canvas Health. Companies as diverse as 3M, Wells Fargo, and Andersen Corporation have generously contributed to Canvas Health through the efforts of dedicated employees who support the agency.

Matching Gifts

You can double your impact simply by asking your employer to match your gift.

Ask your HR department about whether you qualify to have your gift matched and request a form.

If you need assistance, please call or email Development Data Analyst Aja Tashjian at (651) 275-4306 or

Investment Giving

To transfer/donate stock to Canvas Health, please contact Pamela Johnstone, Edward Jones, at (651) 429-0522, for Canvas Health’s DTC and Account Numbers.

  • Qualified Charitable Donation (a.k.a. QCD): Eligible donors may gift funds directly from their IRA. You’ll receive a tax benefit as 100% of the specified dollars go right to Canvas Health, whereas normal IRA distributions require tax withholding.
    • Individuals age 73 and older are required to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) every year. QCDs are a great way to satisfy the RMD, give from the heart, and receive a tax benefit for doing so.
  • Donating Securities: Donors may gift securities and/or investments from a non-qualified account (a.k.a. taxable account). The biggest benefit to you as the donor is typically realized when donating highly appreciated investments. Donors do not  have to pay taxes on the gains, nor does Canvas Health as the recipient of the gift.
Leave a Legacy

Leaving a philanthropic legacy is a wonderful way to continue your support of Canvas Health for years to come. If you have any questions about the best way for you to benefit through a planned gift to Canvas Health, please call or email Senior Development Officer Sue Sperber at (651) 275-4307 or

We encourage you to talk with your financial advisor about your options and the benefits of leaving a legacy. Our planned giving team looks forward to helping you.

How to Give

Giving to our Canvas Health programs and services can be done either directly or through a gift model that can provide tax benefits and even income.

  • IRA Rollover – On January 1, 2013, Congress passed legislation to avert a fiscal cliff. The law includes several important provisions that will allow you to support the causes you believe in using your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). This provision enables those 70 ½ and older to make a contribution up to $100,000 directly to a charity without tax penalties.
  • Bequest – Naming Canvas Health as a beneficiary in a will or trust is the simplest form of deferred giving and ensures donor support through estate planning. 
  • Charitable Trusts – Charitable Remainder Trusts provide income to the donor (or the donor’s designees) and provide an income tax deduction. Charitable Lead Trusts combine income to Canvas Health for a term of years with a distribution of principal back to the donor or family, often with substantial tax benefits.

 *Canvas Health is a qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please consult your tax advisor for specific questions related to your taxes.

Corporate and Foundation Giving

Canvas Health offers critical programs across the Twin Cities and many of them would not be possible without the financial support of businesses and corporate and family foundations. Forward – thinking and socially responsible corporate and foundation partners recognize that improving the lives of workers and being proactive about issues in the communities in which they do business is vital to creating a healthy and vibrant community and economy.

How Can I Help?

You can support Canvas Health through a company gift or grant to help create a safe and healing environment survivors of sexual abuse, as well as people experiencing mental illness, substance use issues, and unstable housing.

For more information about corporate and foundation giving opportunities, please contact Logan Adams at (651) 275-4308 or

In-Kind Gifts

Canvas Health’s programs are often in need of various supplies to help us serve our clients’ needs. Please check with us about current needs by emailing
Download an in-kind gift form here.

Facebook Fundraiser

Facebook allows you to easily set up a dedicated page to raise awareness and funds for Canvas Health.

Hosting a fundraiser on Facebook in honor of your birthday, an anniversary, or other special day is a wonderful way to connect to others and tell them about Canvas Health. When others know that our work is important to you, they will be happy to support it!

  1. Click this link and Facebook will walk you through a few quick and easy steps. You can also visit Canvas Health’s Facebook page and click the “Create Fundraiser” button below our cover photo.
  2. Set your fundraising goal and timeframe. We’ve seen many successful fundraisers at $200 or even $500 or more! Set a goal you feel good about and see where it goes!
  3. In the “Tell Your Story” section, name your fundraiser and then write about why Canvas Health is important to you and/or the community in which you live!

guidestar gold transparency

Get in touch with our Development Department

To contact us directly

Sue Sperber, Senior Development Officer

(651) 492-7477

Address and Tax ID

If you would like to mail a check please send to:

Canvas Health
Attn: Development Department
7066 Stillwater Boulevard North
Oakdale, MN 55128

Tax ID: 41-0955577

Meet The Team

Julia Yach

Julia Yach

Director of Marketing, Development, and Special Events

Clinic Locations

As Canvas Health’s Marketing and Development Director, Julia Yach is responsible for the agency’s fundraising, marketing, communications, and special events efforts.

Julia finds joy in spreading the word about Canvas Health’s mission of hope, healing, and recovery. She’s proud to serve alongside Canvas Health’s talented mental health and substance use clinicians, who carry out that mission each day.

Julia has over 20 years of experience in the marketing and communications field, including serving as Director of Marketing at the Autism Society of Minnesota. She holds her BA in Public Relations and Electronic Publishing from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Sue Sperber

Sue Sperber

Senior Development Officer

Clinic Locations

Logan Adams

Logan Adams

Grant Writer

Clinic Locations

Tanabe, Katie – Professional 22

Katie Tanabe

Marketing & Development Assistant

Clinic Locations

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