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Early Childhood Mental Health Services Offer Specialized Care to Young Clients

November 9, 2023

Canvas Health’s Early Childhood Behavior Assistance Program’s therapists offer assessment by teaming with parents and care givers.

Together, the team gains clarity and increased understanding of a child’s struggles in order to provide individually tailored recommendations and interventions to support the child’s social and emotional development. Therapists provide specialized assessment as well as psychotherapy and/or skills training.

This program always begins with a comprehensive assessment using the DC:0-5 framework. From there, we work with caregivers and providers using developmentally appropriate and culturally informed methods to determine the child’s emotional and relational needs.

The Early Childhood Behavior Assistance Program has immediate openings in the following programs:

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

PCIT is an evidence-based treatment for young children (2-6 years) with behavioral problems. PCIT will help with:

Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) 

CPP is an evidence-based treatment for young children who have been through stressful or scary events. CPP will help with:

Circle of Security Parenting Program (COS)

COS is a parenting program based on attachment research for strengthening and supporting secure parent-child relationships. COS will help with:

To make an appointment or for questions regarding eligibility or the referral process please call our program support assistant at (651) 251-5024.

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