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Earn CEUs at Canvas Health’s 25th Annual Mental Health Conference

October 12, 2017

On Dec. 1, 2017, Canvas Health will welcome Deborah A. G. Drabick, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Psychology at Temple University, to speak at its 25th Annual Conference on Psychotherapy and Mental Health. The conference will be held at the Maplewood Community Center in Maplewood, Minn.

Easily Annoyed or Made Angry: Understanding and Responding to Irritability is an interactive workshop that will provide an overview of the nature of irritability and anger across disorders and developmental periods. Participants will consider the roles that these transdiagnostic symptoms play among a variety of conditions and how contextual factors can exacerbate, maintain, or mitigate irritability and anger. Dr. Drabick will discuss effective, pragmatic, and developmentally appropriate assessment strategies, and interventions that can incorporate assessment results across settings.

Pre-approved CEUs will be available from the Minnesota Boards of Marriage and Family Therapy, Behavioral Health and Therapy, Social Work, and Psychology.

Register for the conference here. Early bird rates are available until Nov. 20, 2017.

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