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Get to Know Psychiatrist Dr. Benjamin Eliason

November 29, 2023

We are delighted to introduce Dr. Benjamin Eliason, our new psychiatrist who is offering virtual telepsychiatry appointments through our Oakdale and Coon Rapids offices. Clients (18 and older) will see a clinician in-clinic for paperwork, vitals, and tech support. Appointments with Dr. Eliason will be virtual, in either English or Spanish.

In His Own Words

Dr. Benjamin EliasonI have twenty years of experience as a psychiatrist. I am kind, patient, and caring. I am well versed in cognitive-behavioral and dynamic psychotherapeutic approaches and I use these principles to inform me in the guidance of patient-care, in understanding each person and in assisting them in understanding themselves.

Psychological healing can turn into a process of excavation. I do not claim to have all the answers but I have the tools and I am interested enough to be a helpful guide in turning over the stones that will connect you with the answers that will help.

My philosophy is that there are many difficulties and barriers to getting well in the area of mental health. I’m inclined toward a little prescribing and a little therapy.

Work should be a joy. Life should be a joy. Pain and suffering should be meaningful and all our struggles should be turned toward our personal growth and learning. A physician can be a helpful guide toward healing and should help clients learn and grow to continue the work of their own healing.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eliason or make a referral, please call our Psychiatry Administrative Coordinator at (651) 251-5044.

More About Dr. Eliason

Dr. Benjamin EliasonFun Facts: I have lived in California, Wisconsin, El Salvador, Oregon, and Utah. Fluent in Spanish and also learning to speak Romanian. Being from a large family made me very curious about people and this interest drew me into the field of medicine and eventually psychiatry.

Hobbies: Palm collecting, plant identification, rock climbing, reading and writing.

Pets: A golden doodle dog named Flynn.

Family: My wife is from Romania so my two children are half-Romanian. She has a special love and appreciation for the United States. I come from a family of many physicians living in different states.

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