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Give to the Max Day 2023: Supplies Change Lives

November 15, 2023

Make a big difference. Support the little things.

This year for Give to the Max Day we are fundraising for clinical supplies and training that are essential to Canvas Health therapy programs.

Here are just a few examples of small things are more than they appear to be when it comes to helping individuals of all ages and backgrounds heal from mental health and substance abuse:

Toys help children process trauma.

Canvas Health - Giving to the maxJayden* recently used fire trucks/police vehicle toys to describe when he witnessed her father being arrested.

Sporting equipment and games help teens learn in a safe, structured environment.

Canvas Health - Giving to the maxOur adolescent day treatment program gives kids who have had a hard time in a traditional classroom environment the opportunity to work on their social skills, get their education, and help heal from their mental illness/substance use disorders.

Training provides therapists with the tools to help them provide the best care.

Canvas Health - Giving to the maxTo our therapists, being trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)” gives them a whole new set of tools to help clients with trauma. One of our therapists described how it will help her client who has spent significant time in and out of juvenile detention centers:

“He has been homeless, lacks guidance, is often approached with criminal opportunities and is very reactive. EMDR would help him process his trauma so he can react to his unpredictable life thoughtfully and not make mistakes that will put him behind bars.”

Gardening equipment helps clients see their own growth as they care for plants.

Canvas Health - Giving to the maxTools to interact with nature give our clients an opportunity to see growth in themselves and in the plants and vegetables that they are tending. They are so excited for harvest time and they even learn how to cook with their freshly grown crops!

Room decor help elementary-aged children feel safe.

Canvas Health - Giving to the maxA new rug, special lighting, wall hangings, and blankets make spaces warm and comfortable for elementary-aged clients to open up to their therapists.

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