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Boxing Helps Strengthen Students Mental and Physical Health

March 22, 2023

With the help of the District 916 Innovation Grant, 916 Mahtomedi Academy has partnered with Cerresso Fort, owner of SIR Boxing, to offer students boxing workshops.

This unique program is designed for students who aspire to learn more about boxing or to reach their wellness goals. The 12 boxing workshops began in January 18 and will continue through mid-April 2023.

Canvas Health Physical Health

Christina Blaszczyk is the Mahtomedi Academy’s Mental Health/Canvas Health School-Based Therapist who kickstarted the partnership with SIR Boxing.

Christina’s goal with the boxing program is to help students work on both physical and mental wellness while learning valuable life skills. Christina knew that boxing is so much more than throwing punches. Like many sports, it requires mental discipline as well as physical discipline.

Cerresso, pictured here with Tricia Giese, Mahtomedi Academy staff member, agrees.

“SIR boxing works with building and strengthening the mind. Mindset is everything. When you practice mindfulness, you improve your ability to respond instead of react. Students practice self compassion, self control. We also are building confidence in our youth. Students are getting out of their comfort zones and developing a weekly routine,” Cerresso said.

The benefits go on and on, but there’s one crucial element that that makes this program a true success: having fun!

One student summed it up perfectly, as only a student can. “So far, it’s been pretty great – all of it has been really fun.”

The program is a great success so far and Canvas Health is looking forward to continuing this partnership between SIR Boxing and 916 Mahtomedi Academy into the future.

For more information on how boxing can impact mental and physical health, see articles below:

Healthline Article – Boxing Benefits: 6 Reasons to Try Throwing a Punch

Harper Bazaar Article – 6 ways boxing can benefit your mental health

CrediHealth Article – Step Into the Ring and Feel the Benefits of Youth Boxing

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