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Image of a person holding a laptop displaying the integration of community mental health and technology with ARMHS (Assertive Community Treatment Health Services), Minnesota mental health clinics, ccbhc Minnesota

Integrating Community Mental Health & Technology with ARMHS

February 13, 2023

Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services, ARMHS, is focused integrating community mental health and technology with ARMHS by working with persons who have serious mental illness to overcome their symptoms, to live independently at home and in the community. ARMHS Practitioners regularly meet with clients in their own spaces, allowing people to work toward their desired goals and better connect with their communities.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, insurance companies expanded covered telehealth services, adding flexibility and consistency to mental health services. Technology has enabled us to broaden the scope of ARMHS and ensure that anyone who is referred to us has equal access to the service.

Canvas Health ARMHS is certified to operate in Anoka, Washington, Hennepin, Ramsey, Chisago, Dakota, and Isanti counties. Telehealth has allowed everyone in the ARMHS program to connect across distances, breaking down the potential barriers of transportation, location, and even Minnesota weather.

Technology also connects people to their home communities, as it allows ARMHS Practitioners to work with clients to better understand what resources are available to them.

Canvas Health ARMHS Practitioners are actively working on integrating community by educating clients on the skills they can learn and resources they can access via telehealth to work on their mental health and ultimately, to live more independently. ARMHS Practitioners are willing and able to help clients to improve their technological literacy so they are able to navigate resources and form deeper connections within their community.

Who Qualifies for ARMHS?

What insurance is accepted?

We provide ARMHS services as part of our community mental health certification. For questions regarding ARMHS eligibility criteria or the referral process please reach out to us!

ARMHS Providers are certified to operate on a county level within Minnesota. Canvas Health ARMHS Program is certified in Anoka, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Ramsey, and Washington counties. Please view our certification status here:

Author credits: Tara Burklund, MSW, ARMHS Supervisor & Michael Mann, MPH, ARMHS Program Administrative Coordinator

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