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Medicaid Auto-enrollment ending, Outpatient treatment, Psychological Evaluation, Outpatient Therapy, Substance Use Therapy

Medicaid Automatic Renewals Ending

June 13, 2023

On May 11, 2023, the federal government will end the pandemic’s classification as a public health emergency. One of the direct effects of this move on Canvas Health clients is the ending of a safety net requiring Minnesota and other states to keep individuals automatically enrolled in Medicaid programs.

This means that 1.5 million Minnesotans on Medicaid programs — either Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare — will have to once again re-enroll for their benefits. Currently, approximately 60% of Canvas Health clients receive coverage through Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare.

Canvas Health is joining the State in communicating to clients regarding the eligibility renewal process through email reminders, printed materials, and staff education about the renewal process.

If clients need assistance during the renewal process, we are encouraging them to schedule an appointment with a Canvas Health Care Coordinator. If a client no longer qualifies for Medicaid, Canvas Health’s Navigators can help them find new health care coverage through MNSure, the State’s health insurance marketplace.

We encourage clients and others to check out our special webpage to access information and links about these upcoming changes.

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