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Medicaid auto-enrollment is ending. Find out what you can do about it today.

Need assistance? Our Care Coordinators and Navigators can help.
Click here to make an appointment>>

What This Change Means for You

This information is from the Minnesota Department of Human Services website. Visit the Department of Human Resources website for more >>

Medical Assistance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program) and MinnesotaCare enrollees must have their eligibility reviewed once a year to ensure they still qualify for insurance. This process is called a renewal. Renewals were paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, however they must restart according to federal law.

This means that if you have Medicaid or MinnesotaCare, you must renew in 2023.

There more you can do now to prepare for the change.
Click here to see the two things you can do today to get ready

Need Assistance? We can help!

If you need help completing your paperwork or understanding the renewal process, make an appointment with a Canvas Health Care Coordinator.

If you find that you no longer qualify for Medicaid, Canvas Health’s Navigators can help you find new health care coverage through MNSure, the State’s health insurance marketplace.

Make an appointment for assistance