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Mental Health Symptoms May Be Affecting Your Child in School

May 3, 2021

Even in “normal” years, years without the COVID-19 pandemic, students and their parents can struggle to keep up in school. It might be grades, completing enough credits for graduation, balancing extracurriculars, or maintaining peer groups.

parent helping child with online school - child mental health

Child Mental Health Services

In 2020, this year where many attend class via distance learning, these problems may be more present and their solutions more opaque. If that’s you or your child, you are not alone.

Emily Johnson, MSW, LICSW, a Canvas Health school-based therapist, wants families to know these are issues we can help address. That process starts with identification.

Common Symptoms to look for:

“Did you know that some common symptoms of depression are a lack of motivation, low energy, problems sleeping, trouble focusing, irritability, and feeling hopeless?” Johnson writes. “A lot of these symptoms can appear to others as simply ‘being lazy’ or ‘just not caring’ about school. Throw in a global pandemic, while being asked to do school in a new way; for some people, the amount of pressure just feels impossible to overcome.”

If that sounds like you or your child, the best time to make changes is right now. Since 1969, Canvas Health has helped students struggling with unhelpful behaviors, negative thoughts, and difficult emotions.

If you’d like to learn more about counseling and mental health assessments, talk to one of our compassionate staff now: (651) 777-5222.

You can reach out today to start to address mental health symptoms and get school back on track!

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