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Partnering for Jobs program helps build new skills, confidence

March 15, 2022

Canvas Health Client Story

When Joel* joined the Partnering for Jobs program, he was unsure about how to incorporate work into his life while receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration. He had a few jobs in the past but was never happy with how they worked out.

The client and Employment Specialist collaborated with VRS to get him a detailed Benefits Analysis. After learning how a future job may impact his benefits, he decided that working a consistent job would be best for him. The Employment Specialist and client applied to many jobs and found success with Afton Alps as a Ski Lift Operator. The client was highly motivated by the benefits that Afton Alps offered; including a free pass to ski for the season. In preparation for Afton Alps, the Employment Specialist, VRS counselor and client worked together to make sure everything lined up with his social security benefits. Joel worked at Afton Alps the winter of 2021 and after a successful season, decided he also wanted to work there the winter of 2022.

Once this season is over, he wants to find a job that is close to his apartment. The VRS counselor is involved in ensuring his potential job options align with his benefits to support his financial needs. Prior to working with the program, his interests were limited. He has since broadened his scope to include working as a cashier, which he said he would have never been comfortable with doing before joining the program. His experience at Afton Alps and working on communication skills with the Employment Specialist gave him the confidence to do a job with a great deal of customer interaction.

Vocational Services

Canvas Health’s Partnering for Jobs Individual Placement and Support Services program is dedicated to bringing hope, healing, and recovery by assisting individuals with finding and keeping competitive employment. The program is a collaborative effort between Canvas Health, Lifetrack and Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

Partnering for Jobs Program Services

Learn more about Partnering for Jobs here.


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