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Arthur Tuttle

Arthur Tuttle

Life Skills Counselor, Therapeutic Learning Center (TLC)

We are all a work in progress, and I believe in community and relationship building in order to achieve goals personally and professionally.

Clinic Locations

  • Oakdale Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

Specialty Areas

  • Therapeutic Learning Center (TLC) & Therapeutic Education Collective (TEC)
  • Behavioral Problems, Emotional Disorders, Mindfulness, Mood Disorders, Personality Disorders
  • Ages Served: 13-18

Professional Experience

I worked at a residential treatment center for 6000 clinical hours before moving on to doing General Education mental health work at an elementary school.


  • B.A. German Studies- University of Minnesota- Duluth
  • B.S. Teaching German- University of Minnesota- Duluth

Referral Information

To make a referral to the TLC program, contact Hailey Jones, Program Support, (651) 251-5118.