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Cynthia Artz, LADC

Cynthia Artz, LADC

Adult Substance Use Counselor/Team Lead

I believe it is when we are willing to face our challenges and struggles that one can experience the most growth and change regarding lifestyles and our way of thinking. I believe through support and encouragement, as well as focus on people’s abilities, one can begin to implement positive change that increases health and well-being. I believe in a holistic approach, incorporating healing to the mind, body and spirit, with in turn assists with the overall healing process.

Clinic Locations

  • North Branch Mental Health & Substance Use Clinic and East Central Crisis Services

Specialty Areas

  • Substance Use - Adults
  • Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Anxiety, Court-Ordered Substance Use Treatment, Grief, Mindfulness, Opioid Addiction, Relationship Issues, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Substance Use Disorders

Professional Experience

I have worked with a wide variety of populations throughout my career and have experience in leadership and training, as well as evidenced based treatment, motivational interviewing, and cognitive behavior therapy and have provided treatment services for both adult men and women.

I have worked as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor in both residential treatment settings as well as outpatient services involving both men and women.


  • Bachelor of Science Degree - School of Allied Health professions with an emphasis on Recreation Therapy - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Certificate of Alcohol and Drug counseling education - Century College

License and Credentials

  • Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC)
  • Bachelor of Science (BS)

Referral & Information

To make a referral or appointment, please call our Intake Coordinators at (651) 777-5222; email, or complete this form to request an appointment.