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David Larson, LADC

David Larson, LADC

Adolescent Substance Use Counselor

I have been an adolescent counselor for over thirty years. I believe that young people are the future and I try to improve on their future. I have an eclectic philosophy and try and use every evidence-based tool at my disposal. At the heart of this is my belief that every child should have a chance at success.

Clinic Locations

  • Stillwater Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

Specialty Areas

  • Substance Use - Adolescents
  • Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Substance Use Disorders

Professional Experience

I have been a adolescent counselor for over 30 years.


  • Associate's Degree

License and Credentials

  • Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC)

Referral & Information

To make a referral or appointment, please call our Intake Coordinators at (651) 777-5222; email, or complete this form to request an appointment.