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Dean Gorall, PhD, LMFT

Dean Gorall, PhD, LMFT

In-Home Family Treatment Supervisor

I believe that mental and emotional health problems experienced by children and adolescents arise from a combination of biological and environmental causes and these causes can be historical or existing in the client’s current lives. I believe one of the ways to be helpful to these clients is by having their family systems that surround them function as well as possible, both for the client and all family members.

Clinic Locations

  • Community-Based

Specialty Areas

  • Family Treatment Program
  • Ages Served: 6-17

Professional Experience

I began providing in-home family therapy 28 year ago, have been providing these services with Canvas Health in Washington County for the past 17 years, and have been supervisor of the In-Home Services/Family Treatment program at Canvas health since May 2018.


  • Family Relations and Child Development - Oklahoma State University
  • Ph.D. in Family Social Science - University of Minnesota

License and Credentials

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)

Referral Information

This program is available for Washington County residents. To make a referral, complete this form.