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Dominique DeJarlais

Dominique DeJarlais

Life Skills Counselor, Elementary Mental Health Classroom (EMHC)


Clinic Locations

  • Community-Based

Specialty Areas

  • School-Based Mental Health Services
  • ADHD/ADD (Children), Anger, Anxiety, Attachment Disorders, Autism, Behavioral Problems, Developmental Concerns, Emotional Dysregulation, Emotional Regulation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Trauma
  • Ages Served: 6-12

Professional Experience

Within the field of human services, I started working as a Direct Support Professional in a group home with adolescent boys with behavioral and developmental disorders, eventually becoming a Program Supervisor for the same company. I worked with adults and children in two different group homes, and I managed them both at the same time. Eventually, I decided to leave that job and pursue something else. I found Karner Blue Education Center and was referenced there by a family member. After applying, I was recruited to join the EMHC program as an Education Assistant Specialist. I worked as an EAS for 3 years with Karner Blue, for I loved the EMHC program. This inspired me to pursue my LPCC licensure and apply to Canvas Health to continue working within the EMHC program. Currently, I am a Life Skills Counselor for Canvas Health.


  • Associates of Arts - Anoka Ramsey Community College
  • Bachelor of Arts - University of Minnesota Twin-Cities

Referral Information

To refer a student to Elementary Mental Health Services in schools where Canvas Health has a presence, talk to your school social workers, school counselors, or school principal where Canvas Health has a presence.