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Erica Morris

Erica Morris

Adult Mental Health Case Manager

My professional philosophy is mental healthcare is healthcare. Every daily life action or decision starts with a thought. It’s important that our minds are healthy, so that we can make healthy choices that keep us safe and well.

Clinic Locations

  • Community-Based
  • Oakdale Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic
  • Stillwater Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

Specialty Areas

  • Case Management
  • Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI)
  • Ages Served: 18+

Professional Experience

I’ve served people in various capacities for just over 20+ years. I started early as a teen camp counselor for a YMCA program that engaged youth specifically with ADHD and that sparked my career. I’ve been a CNA, Palliative Care Worker, Assisted Living Care Manager, Direct Support Professional, Group Home (Lead, Supervisor, and House Manager), Mental Health Counselor, Adult Day Program Case Manager, Housing Stability Case Manager, 245 D Program Manager and Consultant for 245 D programs, CADI Case Manager, Adult Mental Health Case Manager (Hennepin and Dakota County). I’ve been “people-ing” for a long time now, and I enjoy what I do!


  • BS-Kennesaw State University
  • Currently-Capella University
  • Past-Howard University

Referral & Appointment

For questions regarding Adult Case Management’s eligibility criteria or the referral process, contact Courtney Ferguson, Case Management Program Administrator;