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Gary Paulson, LADC

Gary Paulson, LADC

Adult Substance Use Counselor and Assessor

People deserve the chance to become aware of stumbling blocks in their life, and be given the opportunity to resolve those issues. The freedom to choose is of the highest gifts.

Clinic Locations

  • Cottage Grove Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic
  • Oakdale Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic
  • Stillwater Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

Specialty Areas

  • Substance Use - Adults
  • Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Co-Occurring Disorders, Comprehensive Substance Use Assessments (Rule 25), Opioid Addiction, Rule 25 Assessment
  • Assessment and treatment of substance abuse, dependency, and co-occurring disorders
  • Ages Served: 19+

Professional Experience

Worked in Chemical Dependency field since 1991 in various capacities including: counselor, assessment, case manager, and program manager.


  • Associate's Degree - Anoka/Ramsey Community College
  • Graduate - College of St. Catherine, St. Mary’s CampusGraduate of College of St. Catherine, St. Mary’s Campus, Substance Dependency and Family Therapy

License and Credentials

  • Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC)

Referral & Information

To make a referral or appointment, please call our Intake Coordinators at (651) 777-5222; email, or complete this form to request an appointment.