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Kelly Mettayer, LADC

Kelly Mettayer, LADC

Correctional Substance Use Counselor

I believe that every client is unique with their own set of needs, strengths, and goals. I believe in meeting clients where they are at and helping them gain the skills to reach their goals.

Clinic Locations

  • Community-Based

Specialty Areas

  • Jail Program
  • Substance Use - Adolescents
  • Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Court-Ordered Substance Use Treatment, Rule 25 Assessment, Substance Use Disorders
  • Ages Served 13-18

Professional Experience

I have been working in the field of addiction since 2003 with adolescents in an outpatient setting and currently in a corrections setting.


  • AA in Substance Dependency - Century College

License and Credentials

  • Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC)

Referral & Information

Referrals to this program are court-ordered, via an individual’s case manager, or self-referral.