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Laxee Thao, MA

Laxee Thao, MA

Family Treatment Practitioner

With curiosity and empathy, I want to create a safe space for families and individuals to discover, heal, and change. I understand that healing, restoration, and change is a process and one that I am intentional about.

Clinic Locations

  • Community-Based

Specialty Areas

  • Abuse, ADHD/ADD (Children), Anger, Anxiety, Attachment Disorders, Autism, Behavioral Problems, Bilingual, Depression, Developmental Concerns, Domestic Violence, Emotional Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation, Emotional Regulation, Mood Disorders, Parenting Issues, Self Harm, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Trauma
  • Bilingual - Hmong, Family Treatment Program
  • Family Treatment Program
  • Bilingual: English and Hmong
  • Ages Served: 5-18
  • ADHD/ADD (Children), Abuse, Anger, Anxiety, Autism, Behavioral Problems,
    Trauma, Self Esteem, Self-Worth, Emotional Disorders, Domestic Violence, Depression, Developmental Concerns, Parenting Issues, Emotional Regulation, Emotional Dysregulation, Mood Disorders, Attachment Disorders, Self-Harm

Professional Experience

I have experience providing in home therapeutic services for individual and family.


  • Master of Arts - St. Mary’s University

License and Credentials

  • Master of Arts - MA

Referral Information

This program is available for Washington County residents. To make a referral, complete this form.