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Louise Johnson, MA, LADC

Louise Johnson, MA, LADC

Adult Substance Use Counselor

My goal is to educate my clients on their various treatment options, referred them to appropriate sources and help them know what to expect and how to deal with obstacles appropriately. I also empower them with the appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions and realistically approach treatment.

Clinic Locations

  • North Branch Mental Health & Substance Use Clinic and East Central Crisis Services

Specialty Areas

  • Substance Use - Adults
  • Addiction
  • Ages Served: 18+

Professional Experience

I believe that committing to therapy is a bold and brave decision to examine one’s life in the present and create a life that is both possible and achievable. To help my clients achieve their goals, I use a variety of treatment modalities:

  • Motivational Interviewing (MI): This counseling method helps clients resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation needed to change their behavior.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): This psychotherapy helps clients manage their emotions and improve their relationships.
  • Psychotherapy: This encompasses various treatments aimed at helping clients identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
  • Person-Centered Therapy: This type of psychotherapy focuses on clients’ self-discovery and growth. It is client-led because I believe clients are the experts in their own lives. It fosters a supportive environment, unconditional self-worth, self-acceptance, and personal growth.

By integrating these approaches, I aim to create a collaborative and supportive environment that helps individuals and families build resilience.

About Me

I love to read, listen to music, watch movies and I am a foodie.


  • Bachelor of Science-Saint Mary's University
  • Counseling and Psychological Services-Saint Mary's University
  • PHD in Philosophy is in progress- Walden University

Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor (LADC)

Referral & Appointment

To make a referral or appointment, please call our Intake Coordinators at (651) 777-5222; email, or complete this form to request an appointment.