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Ruth Swartwood, PhD, LP

Ruth Swartwood, PhD, LP

Senior Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Ruth’s professional approach is underscored by a commitment to equity, inclusion, empirically-informed practices, and a decolonized approach to the field of psychology. A decolonized lens recognizes that biases, western cultural values, and oppressive practices have contributed to the development of the field psychology. Dr. Ruth strives to ensure appointments feel collaborative and that cultural values and identities are discussed throughout the appointment. She works to make sure processes and tasks are transparent and barriers to care are discussed and removed whenever possible. Dr. Ruth uses a trauma-informed, sex positive, gender-affirming framework and highlights strengths associated with neurodiversity. She frequently integrates concepts from non-violent communication (NVC) and, more generally, humanistic thought into her work. Dr. Swartwood specializes in applied ethics, sexuality and gender issues, grief and bereavement, and neurodevelopmental differences.

Clinic Locations

  • Oakdale Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

Specialty Areas

  • Outpatient Therapy - Adolescents
  • Outpatient Therapy - Adult
  • Outpatient Therapy - Children & Families
  • Psychological Evaluation & Treatment
  • ADHD/ADD (Adults), ADHD/ADD (Children), Anxiety, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Emotional Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation, Emotional Regulation, Grief, LGBTQ+ Issues/Specialty, Mood Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Personality Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Psychological Assessments (clinical/forensic), Schizophrenia Disorder, Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI), Trauma
  • Outpatient Therapy
  • Psychological Evaluation & Treatment
  • Ages Served: 6 and older
  • ADHD/ADD (Adults), ADHD/ADD (Children), Anxiety, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Emotional Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation, Emotional Regulation, Grief, LGBTQ+ Issues/Specialty, Mood Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Personality Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Psychological Assessments (clinical/forensic), Schizophrenia Disorder, Severe and Persistent Mental Illness – SPMI, Trauma

Professional Experience

Dr. Ruth’s professional experience has focused on providing psychological evaluations and psychotherapy in community mental health and private practice settings.


  • Ph.D. University of Minnesota
  • M.A . University of Minnesota
  • B.A. Hamline University

License and Credentials

  • Licensed Psychologist (LP)
  • PhD

Referral & Appointment

To check this provider’s availability or to make a referral or appointment, contact Angie Lubo, Program Specialist;, (651) 251-5059