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Sadaf Pruitt

Sadaf Pruitt

Early Childhood Mental Health Intern

I take a dual-generation approach when working with young children, leveraging the expertise of caregivers to best help their child. It takes a village to raise a child and I am honored to be trusted to walk alongside families and become part of their village.

Clinic Locations

  • Oakdale Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

Specialty Areas

  • Early Childhood (0-5) Mental Health Services
  • DC: 0-5 Assessment, Developmental Concerns, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • Early Childhood Mental Health Services
  • Ages Served: 0-5
  • Developmental Concerns, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), DC:0-5 Assessment

Professional Experience

I am currently finishing my Master’s degree at the University of Minnesota focusing on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, and have worked with young children in a variety of settings. I have experience as a preschool teacher, autism day treatment paraprofessional, and home visitor. These experiences have helped me appreciate both the joys and challenges of caring for young children and I hope that my continued work with families helps to amplify that joy for all involved.


  • BA - University of Minnesota

Referral & Appointment

To check this provider’s availability or to make a referral or appointment, please contact Barb Tester, Early Childhood Program Support; at (651) 251-5024 or