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Trista Seitzer, MSW, LGSW

Trista Seitzer, MSW, LGSW

School-Based Mental Health Clinical Trainee; STMA Middle School West

Working with youth has always been close to my heart, and I believe wholeheartedly, that by building healthy children, it helps support a lifetime of health. Our world is so very complex, and in navigating all that life has to offer, we can all use extra support, an ear to listen, ideas to work through difficulties, reminders of how we have gotten through the hard times, and how every day, we can work hard to do our best, acknowledge and apologize for our missteps, and work to make healthier choices the next time.

Clinic Locations

  • Community-Based

Specialty Areas

  • School-Based Mental Health Services
  • School-Based Mental Health Services
  • Ages Served: 5th to 8th Grades.

Professional Experience

I have been a Social Worker since 2008 and have worked in several different areas since starting in the school-based program with Canvas Health.

I worked in child protection for about 4.5 years and had some brief experience working with adult foster care licensing as well. I loved working with families and helping them by removing or reducing barriers and reunify children with their caregivers.

I then transitioned to working as a Care Coordination Social Worker for about four years, helping steer individuals to resources, working on client-identified goals, and working with healthcare providers to help support client health. However, I truly missed working with youth, and ended up moving into working with middle schoolers for seven years as a school social worker in rural Minnesota. I worked to promote embedding social and emotional learning in the district to help empower and educate staff on ideas to support students, coordinated with community providers, addressed students crisis as well as attempting to prevent crises, and collaborated with staff, caregivers and community providers to help support students overall.


  • Bachelors of Social Work - University of Wisconsin-River Falls
  • Master of Social Work - University of Minnesota - Duluth

License and Credentials

  • Master of Social Work (MSW)
  • Licensed Graduate Social Worker (LGSW)

Referral Information

To refer a student to school-based mental health services, please contact your school’s social workers.