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Radical Healing for Racial Trauma: Applying Theory to Practice Conference

November 15, 2022

On December 2, 2022, Canvas Health and Wilder will present the 5th Annual Conference on Psychotherapy and Mental Health. Radical Healing for Racial Trauma: Applying Theory to Practice will be presented by Bryana French, PhD, LP from the University of Saint Thomas. The conference will offer up to 6.5 CEUs.

Bryana French, PhD, LP

5th Annual Conference on Psychotherapy and Mental Health

During the Radical Healing for Racial Trauma: Applying Theory to Practice conference, participants will learn to how to:

Register for this conference here.

About the Presenter

Bryana H. French, PhD, LP, is an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Professional Psychology within the Morrison Family College of Health at the University of St. Thomas. She graduated from the University of Illinois’ Counseling Psychology PhD program and completed an American Psychological Association (APA) Accredited pre-doctoral internship at the University of Maryland Counseling and Psychological Services Center. From there, she worked as an APA MFP Policy Fellow for SAMHSA and began her teaching career at the University of Missouri before moving back to her hometown, Minneapolis.

Her research, teaching, and community engagement focuses on racial and sexual trauma and recovery, specifically among Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Her recent first authored article from the Psychology of Radical Healing Collective, “Toward a psychological framework for radical healing in Communities of Color” published in The Counseling Psychologist (2020) is ranked in the top 5% on Altmetrics publication data with over 30,000 views and downloads in the first two years. Her research on men’s sexual victimization has been featured in several news outlets including Time, US News, and Huffington Post.

Her training interests focus on multicultural counseling development and social justice pedagogy, and she provides intersectional consultation for universities, nonprofit organizations, and corporations across the country. She also has a private practice, offering psychotherapy for adults. Dr. French has held multiple leadership roles in APA the including currently serving on the APA Council of Representative Leadership Team. Her work has been recognized with awards throughout her career, including the APA Minority Fellowship Program, APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology, APA Divisions 17, 35, and 45, the Minnesota Psychological Association, and the Minnesota chapter of the Association of Black Psychologists.

Register for this conference here.

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