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School-Based Therapist Co-Facilitates “A Walk in My Shoes” Course

July 7, 2023

Canvas Health School-Based Therapist, Christina Blaszczyk, recently helped create and facilitate a mental health-related course for 916 Mahtomedi Academy and EastView Academy students.

“A Walk in My Shoes” is a one-credit course co-created by 916 Art Teacher Shawn Hennessey and 916 Language Arts Teacher Jenna Dugan and Blaszczyk. The course activities and material are based upon the movie “A Silent Voice”, which features heavy topics such as bullying and suicide.

As a part of the course, students viewed “A Silent Voice” and created an art project where they represented their authentic selves on shoes, and then participated in a peer-reviewed gallery walk where each student could share what it is like to walk in their shoes.

Students also participated in a facilitated critical discussion on the movie with teachers and therapists. The discussion focused on how to prevent bullying and suicide and how students can help stop misinformation and stigma.

“The small class size allowed for scholars to feel comfortable and safe enough to explore serious topics, such as bullying and suicide. It was a privilege to see a group of scholars from two different schools connect with each other throughout this meaningful course,” said Blaszczyk.

This course is now official curriculum within the 916 District and its creators are hopeful this course will be offered annually.

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