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School-Based Therapy Carries On During Strike

April 14, 2022

Canvas Health school-based clinicians in Minneapolis Public Schools provided an incredible 159 hours of therapy to students during the recent teacher strike. Canvas Health currently supports eight Minneapolis Public Schools.

Therapy was conducted wherever students were most comfortable – in school buildings, in coffee shops, over Zoom, in homes, and in the community.

canvas health school-based clinicians

“Caring for students’ mental health is vitally important, especially during times of uncertainty. Our therapists joined other mental health supports in Minneapolis to rise to the challenge for their clients, providing a safe place and connection when children really needed it,” said Emily Johnson, MSW, LICSW, school-based mental health supervisor. “We are so grateful for our relationships with teachers and administrators in all of our schools, and for their support of all school mental health services, including the Tier 3 (most intensive) services that Canvas Health therapists offer.”

Johnson explained that therapists facilitated everything from individual and family therapy to doing outreach by bringing school lunches to the homes of clients. One therapist was able to help a young student by walking him to the strike line to say “hi” to his teacher because he was missing her.

Canvas Health provides school-based therapy in 33 schools in five Minnesota districts.

Learn more about Canvas Health’s school-based therapy program.
Make a gift in support of the school-based mental health program here

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