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SOS Softball Tournament Spotlights Suicide Prevention

April 28, 2023

Alexa was just 15 when she lost her best friend, Alissa Haines, to suicide.

Over the years, Alexa has faced her own personal mental health challenges, and has seen others in her life struggle, too.

A self-proclaimed “fighter”, Alexa is passionate about giving back to the people and causes that she loves. “I’ve always believed that everyone has the power to bring sunshine to another person’s life, whether they’ve been friends for a long time, or they just met,” she said.

In 2020, she decided to combine her passion for helping people, love of softball, and her desire to honor Alissa into the Annual SOS Softball Tournament. The event is named after the Stomp Out Suicide 5K event, which also honors Alissa and benefits Canvas Health.

In its first year, the tournament raised over $6,000 and has subsequently raised well over $6,000 each year. Alexa donates all of the proceeds to Canvas Health to support mental health and substance use care.

In 2023, the tournament will move to a larger venue to accommodate the growing number of teams who want to be a part of the effort. The 4th Annual SOS Tournament is set for July 21-23, 2023 at Sand Creek Complex in Coon Rapids, MN.

“I’m proud of creating a really fun event that people can rally around and support. I know Alissa would be proud of me,” Alexa said.

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