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Staff Showcase: Celebrating 10 Years

August 30, 2023

In our Staff Showcase series, we’re highlighting individuals who make Canvas Health an exceptional mental health provider. Today, we shine the spotlight on Andrew Ballew, Linnea Cebelinski, Jordan Jones, Stephanie Knickerbocker, Mike Mishler, Melissa Moon, and Meaghan Puckett who have dedicated their careers to making a difference in our community.

Join us in thanking our incredible staff for their contributions to our mission!

Celebrating 10 Years with Canvas Health

Andrew Ballew

Minnesota mental health clinic, provider photoAndrew Ballew was hired as the Postdoctoral Fellow for the psychological services, and in this role, he was instrumental in providing a strong foundation for the neurodevelopmental assessment services for Canvas Health. He has developed his expertise in the area of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome assessment and through this role has developed strong partnerships with clinical partners in the community, including Proof Alliance and the Native American Community Clinic.

Andrew is one of the few clinicians in the state that regularly provides Fetal Alcohol Syndrome assessments for adults, and as a result, receives referrals from clients living in all parts of the state. Due to his neurodevelopmental assessment focus and his skill in the forensic assessment, counties across the state and even federal agencies have sought his help when forensic cases involve complicated cognitive developmental factors. More recently, he has been invited to be a presenter at the annual state convention for Guardians ad Litem, where he shared his knowledge of working with the most vulnerable youth in the state.

Andrew’s skill and dedication for providing assessment to children and families, especially those who are disadvantaged, is known across Canvas Health. He works closely with several programs, including Therapeutic Assistance Program (TAP), Children’s Case Management, youth day treatment, and outpatient services. His commitment to social justice and the marginalized youth that he serves comes through in his practice and is reflect in his support of DEI issues and his longstanding membership on Canvas Health’s Cultural Diversity Committee. Beyond his clinical work, Andrew is also acts as a trainer, mentor, and critical support to the doctoral training program, which provides our interns with a safe space to process their experience. We’re lucky to have our team, Andrew. Thank you!

Linnea Cebelinski

Minnesota mental health clinic, provider photo

Linnea Cebelinski is a warm and steady presence at Canvas Health, on the school-based team, at her school, and most importantly to her clients. Linnea works at Lucy Laney, an elementary school on the Northside of Minneapolis. She works with very young children, most of whom have experienced enough trauma for many lifetimes. In addition to the traumas we often address in therapy, Linnea’s clients live in a hurting and under-resourced community that is disproportionately impacted by gun violence and poverty. It is not uncommon for her clients to be impacted by shootings in the community, and many have lost friends and family members (including parents) to guns.

Linnea’s approach to therapy is creative, honoring, and celebratory of the spirits of her little clients and their developing brains. Her therapy room is a healing space that provides safety, while sharing opportunities to process, create, grow, play and most importantly, be a kid. She has used sculpture, kintsugi, candles, and even yo-yos in her therapeutic interventions. She is comfortable using non-traditional therapy spaces at her school, including outside in the garden or in the gym. She will travel to client homes or meet up with her kids at their daycare. Linnea also created a garden at the school to both beautify the space but also to give her clients the opportunity to nurture and take care of something. They start seeds in the spring and continue to tend the garden during summer school. She also uses tapping, which is an intervention she has shared and taught many of our other therapists who love using it with their clients.

Working at any organization for 10 years is an accomplishment. However, Linnea’s position requires her to be very strong, extremely resilient, and unwavering in her commitment to her clients and her belief that caring for them will in turn make their lives better. She somehow balances that tenacity with quiet grace and gentleness that makes all around her feel safe and celebrated. Congratulations to Linnea for this milestone anniversary and a job well done!

Jordan Jones

Minnesota mental health clinic, provider photoJordan has been a consistent presence in the Cottage Grove and Bloomington communities for the past 10 years.

Jordan provides excellent quality mental health services and has the additional skill to be able to provide services in both English and Spanish. Her expertise in EMDR and her calming nature make her a highly sought after referral within Canvas Health as she helps individuals heal from traumatic events. Jordan has served as a Spanish speaking outreach provider, consulted at Hope House, El Consorcio, and been a consistent and active member of Canvas Health’s Cultural Diversity Committee.

Over the years she has stepped up to provide training on microaggressions for Canvas Health staff. Prior to the pandemic, Jordan was part of a test group to provide telehealth and her efforts through those two years made it possible for Canvas to move to all telehealth services within one week. Her dedication to providing evidence-based, culturally sensitive services, further our DEI work, voicing inequities, as well as providing consultation to peers has been a huge asset to Canvas Health. Thank you, Jordan!

Stephanie Knickerbocker

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Stephanie Knickerbocker has been a dedicated HR team member since 2013. She is diligent in her efforts and takes pride in adhering to deadlines.

Stephanie is not one who enjoys the spotlight so on behalf of Canvas Health, we would like to express our appreciation and celebrate this 10 year milestone. Stephanie, employees like you are the foundation to the success of Canvas Health and our HR team. Thank you for your contribution and for being a valuable member. We sincerely appreciate your hard work and efforts year after year. Happy 10-year anniversary!


Mike Mishler

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Mike Mishler started his career cleaning the Coon Rapids office in 2013. 10 years and 2 office moves later, he continues to be the person that keeps the office in tip top shape.

Mike is seldom seen by staff but what he does is seen by everyone. His attention to detail, his drive to go beyond expectations and the ability to adapt to the changing landscape of building maintenance is what makes Mike a great employee.

Please join me in congratulating Mike on a terrific 10 years!


Melissa Moon

Minnesota mental health clinic, provider photoMelissa has been involved in implementing two amazing programs which positively impact Washington County residents. The first program is our employment program, Partnering for Jobs, which brought Melissa to Canvas Health 10 years ago. The second program is our Social Security Outreach and Advocacy program, SOAR. This program offers Social Security advocacy and education to individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness in Washington Country. Canvas Health is the only CCBHC clinic in Washington County that offers this outstanding service.

During her 10 years at Canvas Health, Melissa has been dedicated to strengthening partnerships and building strong relationships with community service providers and organizations in Washington County. Through the Partnering for Jobs program she has collaboratively worked with LSS, VRS and Washington County Adult Mental Health team. The SOAR program has further strengthened her community relationships.

Melissa has taken on a leadership role and helped train and mentor new Partnering for Jobs staff. This included teaching new skills, providing guidance on best practices, and serving as a sounding board for others. She has volunteered and supported Canvas Health at our Annual Golf Classic event, Valley Vine Harvest Throwdown and staffed our Canvas Health booth at the Pride Festival. Melissa has also helped improve internal processes of referrals and advocated for ease in the process of referrals for both programs. We’re so grateful to you, Melissa!

Meaghan Puckett

Minnesota mental health clinic, provider photoMeaghan started her journey with Canvas Health, HSI-New Generations back then, as an ARMHS worker.  During that work she completed her clinical hours and applied for a therapist position. She has always been very conscientious about the work with her client and shown great care for her colleagues.  When the office would do an annual picnic she would always show up and want to connect with others, as well as appreciate the benefit of a door prize as she won every time.  Meaghan continued to expand her clinical practice when she got involved in early childhood work doing the DC 0-5 trainings. She then went on to get training in PCIT and continues to work with a broad spectrum and age range for her clients.  Prior to the pandemic, Meaghan was part of a test group to provide telehealth and her efforts through those 2 years made it possible for Canvas to move to all telehealth services with 1 week. She is always wanting to learn and has recently take the task of learning Credible and being part of the Credible help team. Over the years, supervisors have looked to Meaghan to be a mentor to new hires and she has done a great job with sharing her insights, struggles, and laughter with her team members. She helps create safe spaces for both her clients and colleagues.  Canvas Health and the Bloomington outpatient office especially has been graced with her presence, stability, and dedication through many shifts and changes.


Congratulations, Canvas Health Staff!


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