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Staff Showcase: Celebrating 15 Years

July 27, 2023

In our Staff Showcase series, we’re highlighting individuals who make Canvas Health an exceptional mental health provider. Today, we shine the spotlight on Lindsay Clements and Katie Zacharias, who have dedicated their careers to making a difference in our community.

Join us in thanking our incredible staff for their contributions to our mission!

Celebrating 15 Years with Canvas Health

Lindsay Clements

Lindsay ClementsLindsay Clements started at Canvas Health as a Children’s Mental Health Case Manager. Since then, Lindsay has had the opportunity to work with 130 children during her career at Canvas Health. Partnering with families to help them make positive change and progress is what fuels Lindsay to do this work. Her commitment to serving children through her work at Canvas Health has been cultivated over time by seeing her clients reach their goals, a strong team of co-workers, and by the flexibility of her role that allows her to be the best she can be for her clients and for her own family.

Lindsay’s reputation as a professional speaks for itself. Her experience in the mental health system of care makes her someone that others rely on for expertise. She has worked with children and youth in all stages of life and with varying levels of parental and family support. Lindsay’s down to earth personality has allowed her to instigate progress in the most challenged family systems. Her belief in the benefit of meeting kids and parents wherever they are at has proven helpful to so many clients. Families can always count on Lindsay to show up with a calmness that is contagious, free of judgement, and with a flexible mindset.

Canvas Health is so lucky to have Lindsay. The Case Management Team is so blessed that she continues to stay. Most of all, we are all so happy that the families she works with have found an empathic partner in her. Thanks, Linds, for all the good stuff you sprinkle around every day. You’re an incredible human and we appreciate everything you do!

Katie Zacharias

Katie ZachariasKatie Zacharias is the Supervisor of our Early Childhood Mental Health Program which provides consultation as well as mental health assessment and interventions to the littlest within our communities. Children and their families who are infants through age 5.

Katie joined Canvas Health in 2008 as a therapist within the Family Treatment Program. She spent her first 10 years within the agency driving around Washington County providing mental health assessments and individual and family therapy to clients who whose struggles were so significant that the identified child was on the cusp of an out of home placement. Katie’s natural, open and sensitive style allowed her to enter into these family’s lives, build relationship and work towards decreasing the conflict and pain they were all experiencing. Katie’s infectious laugh and sense of humor was helpful to her colleagues within the family treatment program and throughout the child division and agency.

Katie became the supervisor of our Early Childhood Mental Health services in 2018. Katie’s passion for working with young children and their caregivers can literally be felt each and every time she talks shop. Katie believes so much in providing early interventions to this population that she has engaged in multiple evidenced based practices. Katie has earned the Infant Mental Health Endorsement and has brought Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Trauma Informed Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) and now DC 0 to 3 to the agency. Katie has trained and mentored many clinicians in these modalities of therapy and is our very agency trainer!

We are very grateful for Katie’s reputation within the Early Childhood Mental Health community. Her work is seen by our partners within Department of Human Services, local School Districts, child care agencies and family serving agencies. Katie’s work within the community promoting early childhood mental health, educating and supporting early childhood teachers, care givers and day care providers is exceptional. Katie is a sought after trainer, supervisor and supporter to all working in early childhood services.

Katie – Thank you for your 15 years of service to children, their families and those providing for the youngest in our communities! Thank you for your clinical wisdom, your dedication to the littlest of peoples, thank you most of all for your friendship. Here’s to 15 more!


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