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Staff Showcase: Celebrating 15 Years

November 1, 2024

In our Staff Showcase series, we’re highlighting individuals who make Canvas Health an exceptional mental health provider. Today, we shine the spotlight on Gena Dickens, Dan Johnson, and Jean Mortenson who have dedicated 15 years of their careers to making a difference in our community.

Join us in thanking our incredible staff for their contributions to our mission!

Celebrating 15 Years with Canvas Health

Gena Dickens

Gena Dickens - Minnesota mental health clinic

Gena Dickens in the Supervisor of the Children’s Mental Health Case Management Team.  Gena joined Canvas Health in September, 2008.  She became the Senior CMHCM in November, 2013 and in March, 2017 she stepped into the supervisor role. Gena earned her Bachelor of Social Work degree from Minnesota State University – Mankato and her Master of Social Work from the joint program College of St. Catherine and University of St. Thomas.

Both during her time providing direct case management services as well as now providing clinical and program supervision, Gena continues to work from a client focused, strength based and clinical perspective. Her position places the responsibly of the care of Washington County children and families who are struggling with mental health into her horizon. In her role as Supervisor of the Children’s Mental Health Case Management team, she is the face for Canvas Health to many of our partners, including Washington County Community Services, Community Corrections, and the County Attorney’s office, as well as the Department of Human Services and the Metro CMHCM supervisors’ team.

Sarah Amundson, Community Services Division Manager from Washington County, has this to say about Gena and her work:

Gena is a fantastic partner to the Children’s Division at Wash. Co!  Her straightforward style and her ability to connect make her well-respected. Gena has excellent clinical skills and somehow manages to keep up with all the numerous requirements that come with Children’s Mental Health Case Management. She knows when things are working well and voices her concerns when we are lacking resources for the most vulnerable kids in our community.  Her passion and dedication come through on a daily basis!  We could not ask for a better partner in this work!

Gena – you are a wonderful ambassador of the Canvas Health Mission of bringing Hope Healing and Recovery to your everyday work life.  THANK YOU for the 15 years of service children and families and for all of the support, direction , coaching and mentoring you have provided to your staff.  Thank you for your dedication, living social work values and your sense of humor. Here’s to 15 more!

Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson - Minnesota mental health clinic

Congratulations to Dan on 15 years at Canvas Health! Dan provides outstanding leadership for Psychological Services and Canvas Health. Dan started 15+ years ago as a supervisor in Psychological Services and has progressed to his current position as Chief Psychologist.

Dan is a pleasure to work with, and his open-mindedness and low-key sense of humor make him an excellent leader and clinician. Staff describe him as the glue that holds Psychological Services together.  He has been instrumental in many projects and changes at Canvas Health, to name a few, he started the vicarious trauma group, assisted in implementing Credible and CCBHC standards, and has enhanced the psych internship learning opportunities.

Thank you, Dan, for all that you do and for making Canvas Health a better place.


Jean Mortenson

Jean Mortenson - Minnesota mental health clinic

Jean has worn many hats during her time at Canvas Health, largely in the Substance Use Disorder Admin Program and currently at the front desk in our Forest Lake office. She is a go-to for insight on past processes and better understanding of how things have evolved at Canvas Health.

Jean has such a big heart for the clients we serve and goes above and beyond to help in any way that she can. She takes the time to find answers to questions she doesn’t know and never shies away from sharing her knowledge with others. Jean has also been a great leader at the Forest Lake front desk for providers and fellow front desk staff. She is always willing to help train new staff and be an ongoing resource, and for that we are very appreciative.

Jean is kind-hearted, honest and up front, a solid team player and has the best dry sense of humor. Our front desk team has learned a lot from Jean and her experience here at Canvas and we are grateful to have her as part of our team. Congratulations, Jean, on 15 years!


Congratulations, Gena, Dan, and Jean!


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