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Telehealth Addiction Treatment Expands During Pandemic

September 15, 2020

Cathleen Harvieux, Canvas Health’s substance use manager, recently spoke with The Phoenix Spirit Recovery Newspaper about the ways in which Canvas Health has adapted during the pandemic to helping people who struggle with addiction. In the article, Harvieux explained how Canvas Health transitioned quickly to the virtual treatment model and has worked very hard to make treatment accessible for everyone. Canvas Health is currently offering telehealth options for adults, adolescents, and families concerned about drug and alcohol use.

woman wearing mask - substance use treatment

Canvas Health also is offering treatment in its jail programs in Chisago County and Washington County. Jail patients meet with the provider in a group setting while wearing masks. Canvas Health also provides laptop rental to clients who need one in order to participate in virtual meetings. If an inmate has to be quarantined after leaving the jail for, say, a court appearance, the inmate is provided with an iPad so they can join the Zoom meeting during the quarantine period.

Socially Distant Sober Support Systems

All members of Canvas Health’s chemical health staff are licensed alcohol and drug counselors, and are available to evaluate and help manage substance use problems via telehealth, and using social distancing in some cases. Canvas Health’s caring licensed alcohol and drug counselors, chemical health assessors, and psychotherapists, work together to get clients and families the help they need. Staff performs Rule 25 assessments, a type of assessment mandated by the state of Minnesota, and use them to develop care management plans for adults, adolescents, and their families. Our staff also worked with clients who have co-occurring disorders in which a person is struggling with mental health and substance use issues.

In the The Phoenix Spirit article, Harvieux acknowledged the challenges of building a sober support system during the pandemic. She said her staff encourages clients to get together using social distancing to support one another. Canvas Health also has a peer recovery support specialist on its team who contacts individuals to meet them at socially distant 12-Step meetings with their families, helping them to build that sober community support as well.

Learn more about Canvas Health’s substance use program and make an appointment for a chemical health assessment or chemical health treatment.

To read the full Phoenix Spirit article click here.

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